Holistic Vision pictures geven een indruk van een Crongres over Beter zien.

23 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision, Italy, 2011. YouTube: photos of International Conference Vision, Italy

22 Th International Conference about Vision, Spa, 2009

22 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision, Spa, 2009
22 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision, Spa, 2009

21 The International Conference about Vision in Munchen, 2007

21 The International Conference for Holistic Vision in Munchen, 2007
21 The International Conference for Holistic Vision in Munchen, 2007

De confrencie is gehouden van 1 t/m 5 november 2007 in Munchen, Duitsland. Voor meer informatie zie de website: www.verein-gesundes-sehen.de

Picasa webalbum of Eye-Tools, picture impresion Conference about Vision

pictures of Holistic Vision
pictures of Holistic Vision

Klik on picture with the link and you can download the pictures from picasa webalbum. Also you can see a diashow impresion of the International Conference, 2007.

20 Th International Conference about Vision in Genoa, 2005

Deze conferencie is gehouden op 28,19 en 30 oktober 2005 in Genoa in Italie. The official Organizer is de heer Maurizio Cagnoli, President of AIEV, associazione italiana per l’educazione visiva, www.aiev.it.

The AIEV association was founded last year and has reached 80 members. It has organized the last three Italian conferences for holistic vision and has started a school for vision educators/Bates teachers. Het thema van de Conference was:

Seeing clearly, seeing far.

 20 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Genoa, 2005
20 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Genoa, 2005

The 20th Conference about Vision main Objectives:

  • To present an extended variety of approaches, allowing for a wide debate and better understanding on working on vision improvement.
  • To increase integration of the different areas of knowledge, therefore expanding the quality of results for those who work with vision improvement.
  • We will also encourage a constant comparison and integration of the Bates approach and all the concepts and experiences developed in other contests.
  • To increase networking with colleagues, sharing experiences with peers and increasing possibilities of expanding our practices with more referrals, around the world.
  • We will also encourage the vast number of non professionals who actively seek and enquire on holistic vision, to be an active part of this process, sharing their experiences and discoveries, and widening and deepening their own vision and understanding.

In this last point of view, we should go on opening to people working in different countries (Italy, of course, but also Brazil, Spain, Portugal, India) without losing the contribution of people from places like Germany and UK, and encourage form of assistance exchange and cooperation on an international basis.

Target audiences:

Practitioners of all countries, vision associations including natural vision practitioners and vision educators, Bates method operators, holistic vision and self-healing therapists/educators; Among others, ophthalmologists, neurologists, psychotherapists, psychoanalysts and other medical doctors, psychologists, optometrists, orthopticians, opticians, osteopaths, naturopaths, nutritionists, as well all those involved with Traditional Chinese Medicine, Homeopathy , Craniosacral practitioner, Feldenkrais practitioners, yoga teachers and others

All those looking for a way to overcome their own vision problems: myopia, presbyopia, computer strain etc. All lectures and workshops should give something valuable and practical also for this category of people.

19 Th International Conference about Vision in Madeira, 2004

Freedom to See in 2004 zie de website www.lakelandsylvia.com.br

19 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Madeira, 2004
19 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Madeira, 2004

Picasa webalbum of Eye-Tools, picture impresion Conference about Vision

Holistic Vision
Holistic Vision

You can see the picture impresion of the 21 International Conference of Vision, 2007. Klik on picture with the link and you can download the pictures from picasa webalbum. Also you can see a diashow impresion of the International Conference, 2007.

18 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Zwitserland, 2003

18 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Zwitserland, 2003
18 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Zwitserland, 2003

16 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Berlijn, 2000

16 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Berlijn, 2000
16 Th International Conference for Holistic Vision in Berlijn, 2000