Meir Schneider, Ph.D. (USA) LMT van de School for Self-Healing.
Named one of the ten most inspirational people in Israel by a top Israeli news program, Meir Schneider is the founder and head teacher of the School for Self-Healing in San Francisco, which has helped thousands of people seeking solutions to chronic conditions.

In the book Vision for Life, natural health pioneer Meir Schneider shares ten essential principles of healthy vision discovered in his forty-year personal and professional journey. Born legally blind, Schneider taught himself to see and developed an innovative program of healing and recovery that has helped thousands of people regain and improve their health. The exercises in this book will help you to create a basic eye health routine that you can immediately incorporate into your life. This program is not only strengthening but also restorative and deeply relaxing. You will learn how to reverse developing issues before the cause damage and how to remedy existing problems, including near- and far-sightedness and lazy eye as well as cataracts, glaucoma, optic neuritis, detached or torn retinas, macular degeneration.
Meir bedankt voor al je lessen voor natuurlijk gezond te zien.
Verschillende workshops en lezingen van Meir heb ik mee gemaakt. IK heb veel kunnen leren van zijn wijze lessen. Hij is een grote inspiratiebron voor mijn werkt met de ogenschool Eye-Tools. Ik kan je aanraden om zijn boeken te lezen en te gebruiken voor zelfhulp.
YouTube of Meir Schneider: Part 1 t/m Part 5.
PART 1. Natural Vision Improvement and Bodywork.
Meir Schneider, Ph.D.
PART 2. Natural Vision Improvement and Bodywork.
Meir Schneider, Ph.D.
PART 3. Natural Vision Improvement and Bodywork.
PART 4. Natural Vision Improvement and Bodywork.